Much like a gazillion other people I watch some football on Sundays when the NFL season is underway. I’m a fan for sure but not a super fan like some of my friends and neighbors. I get it, they absolutely love their team. I happen to be a Buffalo Bills fan just so you know where I’m coming from. It’s been a long arduous journey rooting for my team and the love has subsided substantially over the past two decades.
While watching the game yesterday, and in particular a field goal, I thought how easy the pros make that look. I mean, unless you’re talking about a field goal outside 40 yards most pro kickers are so skilled it’s almost a lock that they’ll put 3 points ion the board for their team. But they cannot do it alone. Through the wonderful technology of the DVR I rewound the kick a few times and watched intently to see what else was happening.
The holder is the guy that is calling for the snap. There is a special field goal formation for the linemen and the responsibilities change from protecting the quarterback to blocking for the kicker. In some cases snapper snaps the ball and the kicker is already in motion. That kicker has to take into account the distance, the wind, his starting point and planting foot. We see them taking x number of steps back and x number of steps to the left or right (foot dependent) to get lined up comfortably.
The holder calls for the ball, must receive it, place it on the spot, rotate the ball with laces out if possible, and then hold it for a split second while the kicker makes the kick all without flinching. If all works perfectly the kick is good and high fives are given to everyone.
Everyone on that special team has a job to do all in the span of about 3 seconds and when done correctly it looks like poetry in motion.
They make it look easy.
At Overhead Door we have a special team of our own. Actually we have more then one. We have Commercial Garage Door specialists, Residential Garage Door specialist, Service, Sales, Administration specialist. Our one big team is made up of smaller teams focused on one particular aspect of the business.
When a single customer reaches out to us the details that get set in motion at that moment have been built through years of experience and polished to make it look easy, and be easy, for you the customer.
I did a little exercise over the weekend and counted 13 steps on our end that have to be completed perfectly for us to repair just a broken garage door cable quickly, efficiently and on the customers time table.
We make it easy for our customers.
If you’re ever in need of some garage door repair call our team of specialists. You’ll be amazed at how easy we can make it for you. The next time you catch a field goal unit on the field take a look at what happens with that team and don’t just focus on the uprights or use your DVR to watch that poetry in motion.
Your Overhead Door Team – Of Rutland Vermont